Thursday, March 24, 2005

Poetic Justice

You are under arrest Robert Frost for being a stubborn optimist
You are under arrest William Wordsworth for being a cool romanticist
You are under arrest Walt Whitman for filling our minds with leaves of grass
You are under arrest William Shakespeare for being so good
You are under arrest Charles Baudlaire for your drugs
You are under arrest Carl Sandburg for your fog
You are under arrest e e cummings for your grammar
You are under arrest Emily Dickinson for your solitude
You are under arrest Arthur Rimbaud for your wanderlust
You are under arrest Edgar Allan Poe for scaring us
You are under arrest Percy Bysshe Shelley for your atheism
You are under arrest D.H. Lawrence for hating progress
You are under arrest Ezra Pound for your mental illness
You are under arrest Dylan Thomas for your hacking cough
You are under arrest Ogden Nash for being so humorous
You are under arrest T.S. Eliot for being so timeless
You are under arrest Allen Ginsberg for being cocksure
You are under arrest Homer for opening your mouth.


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